Monday 21 April 2008

Back to it...

I seem to have spent nearly the whole day after a week of holiday catching up with email. I now see that I still have 712 items to get through on Google Reader. One day I shall go home feeling as though I've done some real work. On the plus side, I had a good meeting today with Dave from Electrolab, the only company in the UK who still believe fermenters should be modular... Plus I've had some interest from a cycling coach who may be able to sort my life out!

The scientific programme for a conference I'm organising (see the homepage here) is going well, with some prominent names such as Prof. Ed Southern and Prof. Roger Lasken taking part. I couldn't have done this without the help of ThermoFisher Scientific in Epsom, who are co-funding this with the Biochemical Society. Registration opens soon...

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