Thursday 24 May 2007


I sometimes wish I had the competence, or is it time, to be able to use Linux and other esoteric non-Windows programmes, a little like Neil has made a career of (see his blog here, its worth a read). However, in a sort of half-cocked way I end up using Firefox. There are a few problems with it, but it does have some plus points. One of them is the add ons, such as Foxmarks, a small program plus server access that allows book marks made on one computer to be transferred to another.
In the world before Firefox, I used to do this with my iPAQ< creating a mobile favourite. However, the sync for this took ages. This may have been cured now, but in the meantime I'll see if the web-based approach works any better...

1 comment:

Neil said...

Firefox is all about addons really - somewhat ironic as it was originally conceived as a lightweight, bloat-free browser.

If you don't mind Google knowing all your bookmarks, Google Bookmarks plus the Gmarks addon is a pretty good solution to bookmark synchronisation. And then there's the social bookmarking route - I've recently been converted wholesale to after years of resistance.